About Big Clean

Big Clean is a one-day conference and workshop dedicated to improving the quality of the data produced by the public sector bodies. Its aim is to transform unstructured data (e.g., HTML pages) that can be found on the websites of public institutions into richer, structured data. Such data can processed automatically with a greater efficiency, can be fed directly into data analysis and information visualization tools to discover new insights, provide a source for a newspaper article or a report, or power a new application.


The idea of the Big Clean dates back to the Open Government Data Camp in the fall of 2010, when its concept, originally conceived by Antti Poikola, was shaped during one of the camp's workshops. This year's Big Clean follows up on the topics laid out by the previous Big Clean in 2011. You can read about the experiences from the Big Clean in this blog post. If you want to know more, head to the web site of the Big Clean held in 2011 in Prague (in Czech).


Unlike the Big Clean in 2011, this year's Big Clean is meant to be a truly international event. Based on the popularity growth of the Big Clean's core topics, we want to make it bigger and better. We invited leading experts and important voices to talk about the key aspects of recycling public sector data in screen-scraping, data refining, and data-driven journalism. To keep the event open to a wider audience, the event's language will be English. The Big Clean's admission is free.


Big Clean is organized by the National Technical Library, the Open Knowledge Foundation and LOD2.


Members of the programme committee

Editor: Kateřina Kamrádková
Last modified: 23.10. 2012 17:10  
Contact: +420 232 002 439, katerina.kamradkova@techlib.cz